FRIENDSHIP Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, February 17, 2012


it's been a while since someone updated this ... but I want to keep this blog working as much as I can ... since it's mine and kumi's ~ but I know how limited kumi chan's time on the net is .. so I guess it's my obligation to update and more XDD ... haha ..
this thing is like a diary ... XD
lately ~well .. I guess were fine ... but actually I miss kumi-chan :D
she's not that far away but I'm too busy to visit her ...
but I guess I'll soon do it after overcoming the busyness
haha .. well .. what's happening on my daily life is written on my LJ 
so please visit if u can :D ..
though my usual post are just random things...
XDDD ~ hmm...
well then kumi-chan .. let's do our best !!! :D ~
ja ne ~